Friday, June 29, 2012

Catch up!!

I have been so crafty lately I had forgotten to post anything!! OOps!

It has been so crazy lately and yet I have been so relaxed and enjoying the summer! Although I get out in that heat and I tend to feel a bit lazy a bit too quickly!

Today I opened a new Etsy Store for my Logos and Graphic Design: ScrollsWorkLogos
An was able to make 4 bannors with logos for etsy shops. They are currently for sale for only $5.00 a set!
here is an example of a set:

Yesterday was a nice, very hot walk to the park for some play time:

I got to work on some flowers and played around with some new patterns. I will be so happy to get some new fabric though as I am getting borded with the same old colors:

 And all of this would not have been possible if I hadn't finished my sister's wedding invitations. Although I loved being able to do them for her, I am not sure I will be willing to do that for anyone ever again.

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer so far as well!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Coffee Oh how I have missed you!

Yesterday marked 8 days doing the juicing diet and this morning I am happily sipping my yummy coffee! I honestly wish I could have gone longer on the juice but it is more expensive then I was anticipating and some money we were expecting didn't come in. However now that I am more educated on everything I am going to start  again next month and hopefully go a lot longer.

Total weight loss for only 8 days.... 7lbs! and so worth it!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Juicing Day 6

I can not believe the changes in me since day one. Not just in my weight but so many other things as well. My eyes seem so much more clear, my energy level is way up and my head is so clear. My mood has been changing for the better and I feel happy all the time. A lot of people around me are noticing it as well. I hadn't noticed myself but I have had people tell me my skin even looks nicer.

I have now lost 6 lbs and got so excited because the last 2 days I have been wearing clothes I haven't been able to put on in years. It's like I have a whole new wardrobe. So I am looking forward to picking out my outfit for church today.

Hope you are all having a great weekend too!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Juice Fast Day 3

I am so happy I have made it this far! Day 1 was so hard. By dinner time I thought I was starving, I was dealing with a lot of hot and cold flashes, and I had a huge headache (most likely brought on from no coffee) so I caved in at dinner. It tasted better then anything I had eaten in days but I felt so guilty when I was done and my stomach felt really gross.

Day 2 was much easier. I was still dealing with a headache but my food cravings were gone and I actually felt full all day. Plus yesterday was the first day that my back was feeling much better so I wasn't in as much pain so that felt wonderful. But I was so zapped of any energy, that I felt a bit like a slug.

Today, Day 3, I am feeling awesome! Better then I have in weeks. My head is clear, my headache is gone, I have a lot of energy, and doing this juice fast seems a lot more do able. So I am excited. Another huge plus is I have already lost 3 lbs!!! So motivation has kicked in.

Having the support of my family has been great as well. Today Quinton, my 4 year old told me he was so proud of me and is so happy I'm drinking "gut juice" lol. I asked him why he called it gut juice, and he answered, "Because Mom, it's made from fruit guts." I really love that kid!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Juicing day 1

 Here is my start!! I am 31 years old, I'm 5'2" and I weigh 178 lbs.

Here is how I look day 1
(photo taken by my 4 year old :D Hopefully there will be pics with better lighting in the future. I don't think the sun is aware it is summer time in Idaho)

My goal.... I don't have one I just want to get healthy so we shall see how it goes.

Today is my first day of my juice fast. I have had a few people ask me via email and Facebook, "Why do a juice fast?."   Well it is not just a fast to loose weight, although that is an awesome side effect, but it is also a natural way of letting the body heal.

A lot of you know what a hard pregnancy I had with my 9 month old son (if not, you can read my post My beautiful blessing is one month old today!) Well since having him it has just been one thing after another with my body and I am done with feeling so bad all the time. I have two beautiful boys and an awesome husband who rely on me and I want to be there for them 110%.

So, what happens is in our "typical" American Diet is we eat so much processed foods and well... It's killing us. We as a country are one of the fattest yet malnourished people in the world. We are eating but all the wrong things. What the reboot or detox does is bombard your body with an overload of micro nurturance and give your body the tools it needs to heal itself. But this is just a jump start to healthy living. If you are wanting more info you can click here: It has some great info.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm going to try for next week

So I actually started my fast on the first, but it didn't work out so well. I had hurt my back over a week ago and was feeling a lot better so I went with the family on a fishing trip to Hagerman, about 2 1/2 hours away. Great time with the family but an awful time for my back. I was in tears before we even left. Because of the pain I have been on pain killers and I have to have solid food in order to take them. But I have not been defeated!! I'm going to get back on it next week, once my back is doing better.

On a happier note I got some cute pictures of the kids:
Quinton was running all over the place, hence his rosie cheeks. I'm actually super surprised I was able to get a picture of him at all let alone a good one :)

Jasper loves rolling around in the grass, I just had to be on stick patrol as he was finding them everywhere and wanting to use them all as a chewy.

Unfortunately no fish but it was a beautiful day.